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EMERGENCY: The Hospital of Manosque needs your help!

Writer's picture: expatsinandaroundmanosqueexpatsinandaroundmanosque

It's no secret that the medical care system, especially the Emergency Ward of the Hospital of Manosque, has been in dire need of help for the past 2 years. There have not been enough staff to take care of all the patients - from babies, children to adults, handicapped and the elderly - that needed special attention at all odd hours of the night and day.

The Mayor of Manosque is now urging the citizens in and around Manosque to stand together and sign a petition to implement change in the right direction.

In his words, he asks from the l'ARS (the Regional Agency for Health) direct action:

"Je vous invite par conséquent à signer massivement cette pétition pour exiger des solutions rapides, concrètes et pérennes, pour qu’enfin nous puissions accéder à un service public de santé de qualité ; et à nous apporter votre témoignage à l’adresse suivante : si vous avez été confronté à des difficultés d’accès au soin."

Loosely translated:

"I therefore invite you all to sign this petition in great numbers in order to demand rapid, concrete and lasting solutions, so that we can finally access a quality public health service; and to provide us (the townhall) your personal testimonies where you have faced difficulties in accessing healthcare to

No matter how long you may live in this region - whether you have for 20 years or you have arrived just 3 months ago, it is of utmost importance to take care of your health and those of your loved ones. Sign the petition, share your story with the email above, and please get as many of your friends & family to sign up.

Sign Up HERE

We can create change if we stand together.

Let's do this!

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