Cine-Debat about Climate Change in Manosque
There's a different kind of event taking place this month, converging the local and expat community on a topic that touches us all: Climate Change & Food! #CineDebate

A documentary called Kiss The Ground will be played at the Cinema in Manosque this friday (January 27, 2023) followed by a debate about regenerative agriculture & climate change.
The movie is English with French subtitles, which gives a chance for both French locals and the Expat community to mingle and have meaningful debates around this topic.
Bonheur Jardin - Pépinière de Sainte-Tulle is offering up to 20 places for free for children & young adults up to 18 years old to attend, so they can learn and take part in the conversation, which includes agricultural groups & entrepreneurs that shape the rules & economy of this region.
Sign up by emailing the expats group or
RSVP link to event here.
Let's listen, learn & take action for our region & planet together